Pupil Progression Plan 2024-25
Summer School Application 2024
12 Powerful Words to Increase Test Scores
Promotion/Retention Worksheets
School Choice for Academically Unacceptable School
MPSB Response to Intervention Framework
Title I Parent Dissatisfaction Form
Your Dictionary.Com
Little Explorers Picture Dictionary
Merriam Webster Word Central
Internet Picture Dictionary
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
Homework Louisiana
bigchalk Homework Central
Ask Dr. Universe
A+ Math Homework Helper
See if you can use the right parts to make a water machine!
See if you can hit your opponent's battleships and sink them first!
Lots of fun games for lower grade level students!
This website has games for all grade levels including Spell a Puzzle, Flying Math, Time Flies, Mancala Snails and more!
All sorts of fun games to play at this site!
Choose from the four pictures and see how long it takes you to put the puzzle pieces together!
Click on the letters to find a word!
See how well you know your multipication facts!
Do you know what the difference is between a simple subject and predicate in a sentence? Play this game and find out!
View your child's information regarding the following: Attendance, Discipline, Grades, and Transcripts
If you have more than one student in Morehouse Parish Schools, please call each of the schools or you may call the technology office, 283-3499, and have the five digit access code for all of your students set to the same number. Otherwise, you will need to set up separate usernames and passwords for each student.
**You will need to download a version of Acrobat Reader which is compatible with your computer to view and use the forms in PDF format.
This program is available FREE from Adobe Systems. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on your screen to install Acrobat Reader on your system.
Web site on learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and other professionals
For students age 9 - 13
The purpose of this site is to provide a user friendly online resource, for students or teachers, no matter what they are being challenged to write.
Education information and activities for students
Use These Search Engines To Find The Best Educational, Age-Appropriate Web Sites For K-8 Students
Over 17,000 reviewed resources, selected for teachers, kids, teens, parents, and librarians.
An Internet search guide for the K-12 student
Internet Public LibraryYouth Division
A directory of sites selected for children 4-11, their parents and teachers (no search capability)
Internet Public Library Teen Division
A directory of sites selected for teens
A great starting place for teachers, librarians, and parents.
How Stuff Works Express
This free online magazine is for grades 4 through 8. "The idea behind How Stuff Works Express is to bring the interesting, fun, educational articles and ideas of the How Stuff Works Web site right onto each student's desk. The magazine is full color and 24 pages long, and it has a companion Web site that lets students dig even deeper."
National Geographic for Kids
Features on this online magazine include Amazing Animals, Wild and Wacky, What in the World?, World News, and a daily Fun Fact.
Weekly Reader
Express your views, share poems, and check out the articles.
ChickaDEE Magazine
For children ages 5-9, these puzzles, games, and activities offer colorful photos and unusual stories about animals and people.
Morehouse Parish School Board
4099 Naff Avenue, Bastrop, Louisiana